Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Hump Day

Well good morning. I have officially caught me a cold and it TRULY sucks. But I guess it was inevitable. Things were pretty hectic and crazy for a few weeks there (with the moving and the new job and the going out in TO) so it was hard to avoid my bodt not getting a little worn out. And I think my co-worker had a here i am, feeling kinda gross.
Fortunately, it seems pretty tame, so I'm hoping it won't last too long and I will be back to my normal healthy self anytime now.
So last night I went to see Shaun of the Dead. The company was great and the movie was pretty funny. I was VERY amused. It was totally funny and still makes you jump and lots of action. I liked it a lot. Like a funny 28 Days. Of course, I probably should have stayed home and nursed myself back to health. But, how can I say no to a Tuesday night movie (which, p.s. cost 9.25$ here in Toronto! Where is my $5 Guzzo when I need it?).
So, the past couple of days I have heard from a couple of people who are emailing me very simply for a purpose. These are people that are neither my friend nor anyone I would want to talk to. They simply are trying to get something from me. Let me tell you all, I hate that. I hate when people, after an extended silence, try desperately to be your friend because they need something from you. It is just an example of people being crappy. Unfortunately I can't tell these people what I actually think of them because I am stuck maintaining professional relationships. Which sucks but I guess it keeps me from burning bridges. Not impressive.
That is it for me. I'm going to continure working here at my new computer (yay) .
Happy hump day!
(love that!)


At 8:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well well well....
So Tali, you've settled in to your new T.O. digs, working and eating Indian food already!
And what's this? A blog!? I heard blogs are for tech-geeks who have no boyfriend/girlfriend and who have waaaaaayyyy to much time on their hands*.
Anyhoo, I hope everything down there in tha T-Dot goes smooth for you, and hopefully we'll cross paths soon!

Bye for now Tali!

*Just messin' with ya! Ha ha!
Check out my blog at


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