Ok, so I have a series of random thoughts running around me head so I'm about to share them all. There is no connection, consistency, or...umm...ok..I can't think of anther c word for there. So here we go:
1) I love seeing my fave bands from ages ago continue to release albums. Depeche Mode (love the new song) , Madonna (love the new song), Rick Astley (ok, the new album kinda sucks...but it's Rick Astley! I can forgive that. He's doing covers. EW! the only cover album I liked was the Simple inds one from a couple of years ago), New Order reeleased a singles album, Simply Red is rerecording their stuff..I can't think of anything else but I love it. Woohoo!
2) Someone had brought up the topic of the bidet. Now, I would like to throw some questions out to everyone out there. Did anyone grow up with one in their house? Does anyone have one now? I'd like opinions. Statements. I never had one in my house. I don't know anyone who did. I will go into no details before I get responses to that. Then, we discuss.
3) I hate fighting and I hate when people fight around me. It makes me feel tense. I can't stand it. Not even a little bit. It makes me want to run and hide.
4) Because of number one, I now have Blasephemous Rumors in my head.
5) I love cheese. Love it.
6) I think big pregnant tummies are so cute.
7) I love Ikea. I do. I really really do.
8) I have a lot of friends who love Buffy. Should I worry?
9) I used to want to be a vampire so I could live forever.
10) I snicker everytime AB tells me he has went to, wants to go to, or eaten the Spotted Dick. In fact, writing that made me giggle.
11) I am a closet mushball.
12) I, admitedly, have a jealous streak.
13) I love Daniel Craig. I think he is really hot. But, I just don't see him as James Bond. I don't know if it is the blond thing or what. I just don't see it. But i could watch Layer Cake over and over. If it weren't for that Sienna Miller chick pawing my man..it would be the best film ever. I also love Clive Owen. I watched Closer last night and he's hot. Even as a bit of a skanky bastard. Still think he's hot. HOT. But I don't think he could have pulled off the James Bond thing either. They just don't have that suave thing they you need. I don't know. I think they should have gone unknown. Who am I kidding..I havent' seen a James Bond movie in ages. I probably wouldn't have seen it..although Daniel Craig...2 hours of him on the big screen I can do.
This sucks. I had a million and one different thoughts while I stood outside watching Ryan play football. It was SO cold outside. My toes went numb. It was not fun at all. Especially when I stepped in a huge puddle. Blah.
I wanted to put pictures up but blogger isn't letting me upload. Bastards.
Ok, I can't think of anything else today. Thanks to AB for the lazy Sunday inspiration. 'm going to listen to Rick right now. It is time Madison learned about the best music to come out of the 80's! WOOHOO!
Go ahead. Make fun.
I love when my favourite old bands show they've still got it - but it makes me feel bad when they put out sub-par stuff, but they can still come back from it. Morrissey has recently re-affirmed my belief in him.
I do love Buffy, and I think you should watch some of season one with me one day, and see if I can convince you, as my good friend Heather once convinced me.
Lastly, there is nothing wrong with liking The Spotted Dick. Ironically, they have excellent sausage.
A further comment, at Tali's request: I have never had even the slightest contact with a bidet, and to my knowledge have never even been in the same room with one.
i have seen but not experienced the bidet. i honestly don't see a need for a stream of cold water to penetrate my ass. i don't, and i won't.
voice of reason from Trampoline
can't wait to see ya this week!
Buffy is an awesome show. Joss Whedon is an amazing writer (and a pretty good director). I have purchased seasons one through six (watched season seven on the telly and now pretend it was never made or I get really angry) and seasons one through five of Angel.
I only recommend Buffy to people who like good writing, metaphor, and interesting characters. I think it requires a certain amount of intelligence to enjoy Buffy, otherwise thigns get missed and you only get to appreciate half the show. In the later seasons a love of relationships will help.
Season one is a little rough around the edges. Seasons two is also rough around the edges but they do some pretty kick ass stuff in that season. Seasons three to five are simply incredible. Some of the best shows ever to make it onto the telly. Although the best single episode ever occurs in seasons six and it is well worth watching the first five seasons just to see that one episode, although the quality of seasons six is subpar compared to the earlier seasons overall. Seasons seven should never have happened. It was, save for a handful of episodes, painful to watch. Were that I ahd been stronger I would have done as some of my friends did and simply walk away and enjoy Firefly instead.
I was going to insert a joke here about the only time I ever saw a bidet I mistook it for a water fountain but then I figured we've probably all heard that one before. So please insert an actually funny joke here instead. In your minds.
then how, my little canadian chums, can you be sure your bums are clean?
would you grab hold of some poo and then merely wipe your hands on toilet paper?
sorry. simple hygiene demands the use of some form of liquid as a debris and bacteria removal agent.
you must all have smelly bums.
[makes mental note to remain upwind of any canadians]
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