Monday, October 04, 2004

Monday Monday

How fast do weekend fly by? Before i even have a chance to doall the things I want to do, it is Monday and I am off to work.
My weekend was nice nad relaxing. Friday night I did something so exciting I'm almost afraid to mention it online and make you all jealous - I joined...THE LIBRARY! You heard it ladies and gentleman...I did it. Took the plunge and joined up.
It was great. I spent a solid hour meandering around looking for books and am now on a steady reading diet. I love it. Honestly, I just love reading. It takes me away to that special place that makes me forget everything else back here in Toronto. A total distraction. Nothing but imagination. Ok ok, Iadmitedly I sound goofy. But I just love it all that much. I often wish I was the kind of person who could write. I have to admire people who can. I just don't have the patience. I lose my train of thought, get bored with my own story. I just can't do it. I have to say, authors are an impressive bunch.
So Friday was library night. Saturday was read an entire book in onw day and sit around relaxing ( read "The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman - great kids book. The first part of a trilogy, so I look forward to getting my hands on the next one). Then I was off to a Thanksgiving dinner. It was unbelievable - 37 people in a not-so-huge apartment. I was the only person (or so it seemed) who was there dateless. It was a weird feeling. But it was great food and everyone was more than friendly. It was nice. Amy (who was also there with Noah) and I started thinking about how many people we would get in a room if it was us and let me tell you..there would not be almost 40 people at my Thanksgiving dinner!
Sunday I got to spend with Jen and Amy. A girls day. It was great (with the exception of being SO hungry for dinner I thought i was going to pass out!). We went to see Motorcycle Diaries. A really interesting movie about Che Guevara. I would recommend it to anyone, just do some research before you go in because you will probably appreciate the storyline more if you do. And the star of that movie - Gael Garcia Bernal - HOT! So hot. You just gotta love him.
Now, it is Monday and I am at work. I had to go check out a hotel this morning. It was good times. The Park Hyatt is a really nice hotel wti han AWESOME spa. I may just have to check it out one day. Anyone up for a slighly more expensive yet fancy shmancy manicure or pedicure?
That is it. Nothing exciting to report. I got to check out some hot women for work today. Now I am sitting at my desk.
Oh, the excitement.
What can I say? It's Monday! ;)
Must go work work and work.
I'll leave you with a quote from my tough dames calendar:
"Only the untalented can afford to be humble: - actress Sylvia Miles


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