Thursday, April 07, 2005

Happy Happy Springtime

Omg...I just wrote a HUGE post and lost it. NUTS!

So frustrating. But I'm in a pretty good mood and this isn't gonna kill it. No way jose! This is happy Tali time. can I summarize what I said:

Me= loving spring and the walking all the time. It makes me feel FANTASTIC. Can't wipe the smile off my face.
Me= an awesome lunch surprise of Steph and Danielle stopping in to surprise me. It was just like being back in Montreal for an hour and it was so much fun to see them. YAY! It made me feel so good.
Me=ackward run in with DS (aka Ikea Boy) who gave me an uncomfortable hug and told me to email him. AS IF!
Me=seeing great movie about kids in horrible circumstances (Born into Brothels) and me being amazed at how resilient kids are. Also noted that when we are young, getting hurt isn't scary - physcially or emotionally. Kids can take anything. It is only as we get older that things get harder to take. A lot to be said for nature over nurture and for learned behaviors. It was a bittersweet movie that for some reason didn't make me sad for these kids...but made me happy for the ones who got out. And it was nice to see all those kids laughing and playing. It was nice.
Me= dinner last night with Jen Bauer. I love that girl. We had great Thai. DELISH!
Me= lunch today with RL. I just don't see enough of him despite the fact we live AND work so close to eachother.
Me=TWO run-ins with people on the street. I'm becoming so Toronto :)
Me= seeing Melinda and Melinda with MA tonight who I've always had a secret little crush on.

I think that was it. So much less exciting when I have to write it all in short form. But you all get the point.

How is everyone out there? Huh? Huh?


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