Thursday, April 28, 2005


Well good day to you.
Lots of activities to talk about.
The first being..I forgot to share my story of the delish sandwich. Some riend from here (work) invited me out for vietnamese for lunch. Unfortunately the place was closed (and on it's a dore a big - No Live Animals Allowed Inside" sign. I don't know what that means..but EW!) SO we went across the street to a little place called the Beaver Cafe. When there I ahd the BEST sandwich - tuna, avocado, and swiss on a dark molasses bread wit ha salad on the side. It was YUM. This tiny little place serves everything with a side of scrambled eggs (ok..not EVERYTHING). Anyhow, it was cute. So if you are ever in the Queen/Dufferen area. Check it out. It is v.cute.
Ok....last night I went to see Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I thought it was v.cute. I think I appreciated it more having read the book. I'm hearing a lot of criticism..people didn't like it..especially hardcore book fans. I thought it was really fun. The thing book fans have to realize is the movie will NEVER be as good as your imagination. It will never live up to that hype. It is a North Americanized, slightly dumbed down version of a book that it already off the wall to begin with. How can you perfectly bring that to the big screen? It just wouldn't work. But I can appreciate the effort and the humor they kept in there. So, poo on all you naysayers.Stop looking for perfection in an industry where people like Arnold Schwartzenegger can star as a genius scientist having a baby while dating Emma Thompson - having her baby. I mean COME ON! Do you know some people called it H2G2? People are weird. It's official.
That is it. It is still grey and ugly outside and I hate it. It is making me sleepy. So so sleepy.


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