Wednesday, April 27, 2005

New Developments

Something has happened to me since my arrival in Toronto. Actually, two things.
1. I have developped a stutter. It is clearly a nerve related things because I'm perpetually on edge in this city. It is like I am completely unable to speak. I don't like it and don't get it. I need a course in chilling out I think or to take up alcoholism as a hobby. Then at least I have a good reason for not being able to speak.
2. I can't seem to talk down a normal city block without tripping and near falling. It is constant and I have a hard time not laughin hysterically - half out of embarassment and half because I find myself absolutely hilarious. I don't know what is wrong with me or what is my coordination problem. But oh how funny it is. I'm waiting until the day I actually fall and hurt myself.
I'm planning my birthday outing and i have no idea what to do.
Dinner at Sushi on Bloor..but then I want to find a place to go to. I would like it in my I'm near home when I want to leave..don't have to confront or deal with my taxi issue or worry about making the last subway. But i can find anywhere in my hood. HELP ME!
How early is too early to be planning this (the outing will be the 28th of May)?
Any advice from you vetran Toronto-ites?


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