Monday, April 18, 2005


So, I had a lovely weekend. A little bit of relaxing...and some time with some of my fave peopke - Cam, Kyle, MB and his lovely mother, and then shopping with the girls I love the summer shopping and I'm not even NEAR done.
Let me go in chronological order:
1. My apartment is now WIRELESS! Do i love it? That is easily the understatem,ent of the century. I FREAKIN' LOVE IT! It is awesome - just lying in bed, chatting on MSN. It is dreamy.
2. Fever Pitch - Kyle and i went to see it. It was a totally fun, light, romantic comedy (not generally my thing). Jimy Fallon was, as always, enjoyable. I think he 's cute. I'm a little bit charmed by him. I admit it. I have a crush on the romantic leading man in that movie. I'm not ashamed.
3. Shoppping. Oh how i Love it. down a size from the last time I went shopping...a new pair of shoes. And all that is JUST the beginning. Woohoo! I went to the newly additioned Yorkdale. What a crazy huge mall. I will have to take my sister and my mom next time they come into town. They will be ALL over it. Love the shopping.
That is about it I spent a fair amount of time relaxin' and enjoying the sun.
Gotta is being maintenanced! :)


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