Friday, November 05, 2004

It's the weekend. Who is the happiest girl in the world? I AM I AM!

Nothing exciting going on for me. Tonight i am going out with my roomie from university who cracks me up because she is fearless and silly and doesn't ever worry about anything. Ya gotta love that! Tomorrow I'm sleeping in and doing laundry and hanging out with Amy (Sushi on Bloor - FINALLY) and sunday I am possibly chasing squirrels and definitely going to see a movie at 5. Lot so fexcitement huh? I know. You are all jealous.

It is freezing in my office and I hate it. It would be really nice if I had a poncho to keep me warm (*cough*hint to the knitter*cough*)

I'm leaving at 5. That is my decision.

22 more minutes and I am outta here.

What is every one doing for the weekend?

Cindy is the best organizer ever. With or without sub-sections.

Oh, and just to address the last anonymous post - I am sad about both - the driftin and the lack of time and that fundamental feeling that you and a friend just lost a bit of that bond. Does that make sense?


That is all I have to say. Brrr.
Apparently it snowed in North Bay. How not ready am I!


At 1:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I am sad about both - the driftin and the lack of time and that fundamental feeling that you and a friend just lost a bit of that bond. Does that make sense?"

But don't you also find it natural? How many people have you lost contact with since high school? and how many new friends have you made during that same stretch? Keep in mind too that if you just hng out with the same people for 30 years things would get stale. Instead you meet new people and constantly learn new things. It's human nature.

And losing that 'bond'? For every bond you break, you're probably building up two more.

And of course things are going to be hard and there are going to be changes. You just moved for crying out loud. And most poeple who 'just moved' don't exactly have the social calendar you do.

And every time you schedule something on that social calendar of yours, you're closing off that time on someone else. So.....

I guess I'm just saying that you shouldn't feel so down about these things. It happens to all of us. I know a lot of peopl I have lost touch with over the years and there have been quite a few people who have decided not to keep in touch with me. C'est la vie.

.....Who is this?


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