Thursday, December 02, 2004

Thursday...almost the weekend!

So this morning I rolled out of bed early to do my usual workout. I do this 45 minute step workout using a resistance band instead of weights. I wonder if it does anything for me at all or if I am doing all this for nothing. How do you know if excercise is actually working for you? I have no idea. I guess breaking a sweat is a good sign. But all this work just makes me REALLY hungry. I need to sit down and talk to A about my eating habits and how my intake can compliment the work I'm doing. *sigh*
I dod go and buy jeans yesterday and I swear I'm a size smaller then last time. BUt i Have to check the label from the last time. I could just be full of it. I hate that some stores you are one size and others you are inevitably a bigger size. I love Old Navy for the simple face that I can wear the smaller sizes in their stuff. It is so good for my ego.
Ok...anyhow...that is not where i was actually going to go with that. This morning I rolled out of bed and it is always still dark at 7am. The sun is just rising..but it would be nighttime. Well, the sun was coming up and the whole back of my apartment was red from the light of the sun. It was pretty cool. I even had to take a minute as I was getting ready to sweat to appreciate it.

Nothing interesting to report. I'm tired. It is getting to me. I need to just go to bed early. My friend was supposed to come visit me this weekend and now he isn't and i feel kinda blah about it. Part of me really wants to go home and visit but I can't afford to fly home again. I just flew to NY to see my cousin....I have to watchin how much monsy I spend much I make. It is so easy to just spend spend spend.

I need some comforts of home. Or maybe i just need to get some rest. That is probably it. I need some downtime at my apartment (at least that is what I will tell myself).


Ok, I'm going to keep working now.


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