Wednesday, January 19, 2005


I wrote a whole entry and lost in due to some technical glitch. BOOO! So here I do again. Today is wednesday which means halfway through the week. Which also means halfway still to go. I guess I can't complain about that too much.
Brrrrr...I'm cold.
Now i can't remember everythign I wrote about. Isn't that horrible? All my deep thoughts are gone. Disappeared into cyber space where no one will ever see them. I may have written the most profoud thing ever to be put on the internet. The secret to happiness and solution to all the worlds problems. Now I will never know.
I'm hungry. I know that.
Last night I watched American Idol. I have a love/hate relationship with that show. I'm as amused as the next guy watching people, who think they are good singers, make complete asses of them selves. But I hate watching Simon be such a dream killer. He is so brutal. He goes way past just telling them they have no talent as a singer. It is like seeing an accident. You don't want to look but can't look away. I feel almost guilty watching it. But, then someone like Simon is the guy everyone loves to hate. We all need a villain.
I also played with the web cam. My friend waaaaaaayyyy off in Washington (the state, not the District of Columbia) turned on his webcam and I turned on mine and we were chatting that way. It was so weird. I've watched web came before and had mine on..but never at the same time. I was so hyper aware of having a camera on in my apartment. No picking my nose or typing naked then I tell ya. It was cool...being able to see instantaneous reaction to the things you say. I remember way back when when they tried to introduce the video phone into homes across the world. It was cool in theory except they were expensive and for them to be of value everyone you knew had to have one. So it never caught on. It remained some cool futuristic thing that only happened in movies about Space made in the 80's. Now, all you have to do is turn on your computer and MSN and you are pretty much hooked up. It is crazy how far we've come.
So, part of my personal therapy I'm trying to ,everyday, remember a find moment in my life. I think it was really key when my friend said that the problem people have is they forget al lthe good times as soon as it ends. And I think that was a valid point. We all spend a whole lot of time focusing on the bad things in life. So, every day you guys get to read a warm fuzzy happy Tali moment. Todays: my going away party. It was SO hard for me to leave but having all my friends come by - despite the STIFLING heat in my apartment- made me SO happy. I was so thrilled to see everyone and spend time with them. Whenever i'm feeling down, I just look at the picture of that night. What great friends and family I have! I'm so lucky! So there you have it. A nice warm sappy moment just for you.
So...tell me your happy moments. If anyone reads this blog..I wanna hear it. I need to live vicariously through you and create an extraordinarily cheezy, yes pleasantly so, network of happy moments to read when we forget how good things really are.


At 7:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI that telephone with video is coming with the next generation of telephone by IP. Wait a little and you gonna see it. They already started to offer that service and many companies are also using that technology internaly.

At 10:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


you didn't mention anything about stifling heat when I took over this lease.


Any other things I should know about?

Interestingly, while you had a great going away party here, I had a great moving in day. I was shocked by the amount of friends who offered to help me move boxes and clean. It was totally awesome. And then the night ended with alcohol and pizza, and in a strange twist, a friend of mine calling escort agencies to see if they would perform rather taboo actions on her. The answer, in case you are curious, was, all of our girls are very open minded.

Chris - the new tenant


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