Friday, January 14, 2005

Happy New Year

I know I know. It has been forever since I posted anything here. I've been in a weird space. A space that involved not talking very much so it is no offence to anyone who may be reading this. Lots of ups and downs and decision and broken resolutions and kept resolutions and trips to Vegas (ok, only one of those).

It has been a weird year already. And it is only two weeks in. It is funny how excited we get about January 1 but really nothing ever changes. It is just a new year. Ultimately, it is a fresh start but we don't need for a new calendar to do it although I guess that gives you motivation to do it.

So I've decided to get rid of the bad men in my life, excercise more, find the things that make me happy, and stop being sad. People all think I'm sad. I'm not. I'm just not good at hiding it when I am. I think people don't know how to react to such clear shows of emotion. And the things that do make me sad, I'm going to find them and fix them - be it something inside me or something on the outside.

That is all I got.

It's Friday. YAY! I can't wait to just sleep.

Tonight, I'm goin' out with Amy. Fun!

Leave me comments. It's lonely in Toronto.


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