Monday, January 24, 2005

Bad Edumacations!

I still cant' get over that fast that it is January 2005. It is so crazy! TIme is FLYING by. Saturday was an icy cold day so I stayed in a chatted with a friend all night. He's a delightful guy. Sadly, all the good ones are on the west coast..or both! ;)
Sunday I went out to brunch with my friend Cam and met his lovely girlfriend Erin who actually went to Beechwood School in Montreal (DdO) crazy is that? What a weird coincidence. But she is a great girl. Then I was off to meet Mitch for some coffee and hanging around. I made my first trip out to Honest Ed's. It is so very ghetto....a la Village des Valeurs. But an adventure indeed. And then, Iwas off to meet E. for a hot night out. I saw the comment....a great night...wooohooo! Ok, I confess, E is Elana and we went to see Bad Education - the new Almodovar movie. It was good. I enjoyed it. I have a little crush on Gael Garcia Bernal (although he is too short for me). Then I went home..more online chatting...stayed up later than I should having conversations I prob ably shouldn't be having but enjoy too much to stop and then went to sleep. Then I had a dream about G. It was the first one i have had since the break up. He was just there..sitting with me. And I was frekaing out because some guy I was sleeping with was in the room too....but it was all good. And afterward G called and was's all good. And I felt relieved that he wasn't angry. Hello my sub-conscious acting out. That was all I remember. My friend Elana loaned me a book that I'm reading called "The Between Boyfriends Book" all essays written by a single woman. It is totally funny....but sometimes i wonder about this single woman trend. Is it beneficial for us all all to know we make the same ridiculous mistakes or does it just reaffirm that as a gender we are all foolish and can never change? What do you all think out there? Does it make you feel better or worse to know we are all the same?
My toes are permanently cold in this weather. That does not make me happy. Where is the guy who is going to come over help me warm my feet? Huh?
Ok, warm fuzzy moment for the day: picking up Ms.Trixie from the breeder...bringing her home to my apartment and being there when my mom and Michel told the kids she was theirs to keep. Instant love there. She is the cutest pooch ever! Dogs are so happy. We should all learn from our dogs!
Quick note to Mr. MB...I'm so glad that Sal is doing well and even if he will bite me..I'll come over and meet him soon!

I got my passport pictures taken. Can you say - the worst picture of me EVER taken? Nothing better than a bra strap hanging out for all customs officials to see and laugh at. But really, do I care? I thinketh not.
How was anyone else's weekend? I want all the dirt!


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