Saturday, January 22, 2005


It is NOT nice out. But despite the horrible weather, I managed to go out and do some shopping that I really couldn't afford. Boo. I had a lovely day of shopping with Ms.Cindy where i put my HMV gift certificate to good use (Pee-Wee's PLayhouse Season 1 DVD) and my Gap gift certificate to good use (a pair of jeans that still cost me $40 DESPITE the gift certificate. NUTS). And then some other assorted articles. And even after that...I made it out to the grocery store. Icy weather and Tali makes it out. I'm a STAR!
Tonight. I'm staying in. Sometimes I feel so old. I hate going out to bars on least the kidn of going out people seem to be into here. I like just meeting a couple of friends for drinks in nice local places..not the dressed up, meat markety places people seem to be drawn to here. None of that! I'm justh appy having quiet, realxed nights. Does that make me over the hill?
My second tali-issue is I need to be better with Money. SOmehow I need to put down a budget and stick to it. Ok, that has to be a late resoution starting next pay cheque. Set out a budget and stick to it and see where it gets me. I have to set better goals and rules for myself.
I am so not good with stability. YIKES.
It is SO windy outside. I can't believe it.
Ok...happy thought for the is a good one....when my mom called me to tell me Madison was born. We were all convinced she was having a boy and then she called me from the delivery room.I was in London, Ontario and the phone rang and she was all "it's a girl!!!". It was great. And then there she was...little tiny shmoopie. But this moment, of course can't be told without the other one of the day Ryan was born. We were in teh hospital all night waiting for him - seth and I out in the awful waiting room. Then finally...after about 12 hours of eating all the food from the chines and visiting the gift shop a million times...there he sweet little boo in the cutest hat. Those two kids are definitely my sunshine and my permanent happy moments. No matter how rough things get..they always make me feel better. I just can't get enough of them!
Ok, that's it. I need to go unpack my groceries and take back my place on the couch.


At 6:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey tali - last night was fun! thanks again. and i'll meet you in chill unmeatmarkety bar for a drink anytime. xox, e.


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