Tuesday, September 20, 2005


So it is 3am and I am desperately wanting to be asleep because I'm meeting with a company about a job tomorrow. But I'm awake and feeling off and just can't sleep. Why is it always that way?
I REALLY need to be asleep. I REALLY want to be asleep. But I am wide awake and feeling like garhage.
I think I'm getting a cold. All this air conditioning and hanging out in my pajamas all day is clearly having a bad effect on my health. Boo.
I watched a crazy documentary on the sex trade in Turkey and the Ukraine. Women being sold into sexual slavery. WOW! I couldn't believe it. It makes me almost scared to travel. These women thought they were going somewhere to work as a waitress, and before they realized it, they were sold to pimps and being beaten and raped. Then they went to London to show how even in major cities, it is still an issue. There was one cute cop touring the camra around though. I love those accents....hot hot hot. I think I need to be with a man with an accent. But I digress. The craziest part of this whole doc was when they showed it happening in Toronto. TORONTO? WHAT? There women who don't speak english unknowingly come over on an exotic dancer visa and once they get here are stuck in a world of prostitution and stripping. It was unbelievable. One of the major stories in the film was this man looking for his wife who went to Turkey to buy some products to sell in a market back home, and was sold to a pimp. WHILE SHE WAS 4 and 1/2 months PREGNANT! How insane is that? It was a horrible story to watch. In the end she made it back home but was so abused that she lost the baby. Misery.
Now I'm watching a documentary about teens having sex. Vancouver teens (like 14) talking about giving head and anal. WOAH! I was SO not thinking about these things at 13/14. That is way too young. We were way more innocent when I was young though I'm guessing far less innocent then the generation before us. I'm afraid to think what my children will have to face at 10, 11,12....etc....*shudder*
I think I need to stop watching TV. I'm so traumatised by the real world that I'm not sleeping.

That being said,I'm going to make another effort at shut-eye.


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