Friday, September 23, 2005

I love cold pizza

No blog yesterday. I started one but then got too lazy to finish. I have no good reason for that. I'm just lazy. No first things first, my mom has finally begun a blog the plans on updating regularly. so go check it out:
Nothing exciting to report on my end. I'm meeting with a headhunter today. This is all so nerve wracking and terrifying. SOme days it all really concerns me and other days I can just enjoy the time off. I'm half in/half out!
I just want a crystal ball so I can look into my future, see that everything is ok and then relax and enjoy figuring things out. But i guess that is what makes life so exciting, you never know what is around the corner for you.
On the flip side, I woke up to a lovely international call this morning. Helloooo Scotland. The funny part of this being that

a) I was having the WEIRDEST dream at the time that the dude (a.k.a. Messy McMesserson) was getting married at some puclic pool where I was working on the set of a movie being filmed there. And AB knew about it and i was mad at him for not telling me and Messy's finacee really wanted me at the wedding but I didn't want to go....SO WEIRD! I was SO happy when that weird dream was interrupted but woke up annoyed with Messy. I was telling JP that was ready to get up and send Messy a "screw you for getting married and not even telling me" email. Thank goodness I got a hold on my insanity. So thank you Ro, for rescuing me from that!

b) I managed to sleep on my arm and it fell asleep. So when I woke up this morning to the phone ringing, my hand was so numb, I couldn't press the key to actually answer the phone. It wasn't working. If I wasn't so confused and frazzled, I probably would have been laughing at myself. Which I'm doing right now.

It is Friday. Yay for the weekend. Although it is hard to get excited for the weeken when your life has become one long weekend. Loooooonnnnnggg weekend.

Maybe I'll sell everything, put some stuff in storage and run away and completely change my life. Settle in somewhere in Europe or Australia or South America. Live on a beach and run some kind of resort. Anyone up for it? Wasn't there a movie about that?

I love cold pizza.

Ok, that's it. That is my entry today. More later.


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