Thursday, October 27, 2005

Curl up.

I'm going to go to bed early tonight. Really early. I'm going to sign off and curl up in bed and watch a movie and skip all my usual TV watching. I just need to catch up and I'm so tired. I know I need to go crazy and just sleep until I can't anymore.
I wrote a long blog earlier and deleted it. I realized the things I wanted to say most weren't for the blog but for the person I would have been writing the blog about and I wanted to say them to him directly. The things between us are better said directly.
today was a nice day. I got to hang out with PK during the day and then SO in the evening. It was nice to catch up with both . Really nice.
Ok, I'm sorry. I wanted to write a long generic blog about my day but I'm just not feeling it. I'm very much in a different place right now. My head is in a space where I just want to be in that space. Does that make sense?
I just can't do small talk and would rather not to talk at all. So I owe a nice long blog about my job hunt and how I'm stressed and worried about finding something.
But for tonight, I'm going to curl up thinking about someone I just can't wait to curl up with. That's where I want to be right now.


At 7:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So all the laughs and chuckles, shoes, guitars, MD17 (or was it 19) funky models, Thai food, Starfucks, .life the WORLD AND EVERYTHING was not enough to make mention of?

I think I speak for us ALL when I say "hrmph."


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