I'm tired. I didn't get to bet until 3:30am and here I am up at 8:35 unable to sleep. I'm hoping if I stay up for a little while, then I can crawl back between the sheets and pass out. I hope so. I'm tired!
Great day of hanging with HG yesterday. We hit Chinatown (dim sum-my first time), Kensington Market (and bought green tea incense), Queen Street (I want every pair of shoes I saw) , and then Starbucks (love the frappacino) befor heading to our seperate homes to enjoy Friday evening. I spent mine with the delightful RM. Have I told you about him before? Asked me out in grade 9. Gave me a rose, the whole school knew about it. He did it in the hallway outside of biology. I was a nerd, used to slipping by with minimum attention. All of a sudden one of the cool kids is asking me out? This launched my career as only a semi-nerd (before that I was a full on geek). We dated for a month and I never kissed him. I was too nervous. Boy does he like to make fun of me on that one (of course, I am happy to turn it around and tell him if he had actually made a movie, maybe he would have gotten somewhere. Big wimp). He did tell me yesterday that he told an old friend from high school that we were getting together and the friend was all "she had a really hot body in high school. And a really great bum". I was like...WHAT? Why did no one tell me these things in high school? WHY? Apparently I was much cooler than I ever knew. CW's friend said I had clout. I HAD CLOUT???? I never knew. I missed out on using all my powers (yes MG, I know. Use my powers for good not evil). conversation always ensues with RM and we ended up completely passed out on my couch (did I snore or did I just dream that I did) after attempting to listen to some cheezy music we both hesitantly admitted we loved (I admit it, I love Journey. I'm a LOSER). Poor RM. He works as a personal trainer and had to actually get up and train people this morning, on a mere few hours sleep whereas I will lie around and laze until I am forced out of bed. I'm a terrible host. Come over and hang out and I will sleep through your visit and then you can just wake me up to let you out. Bu-bye. Yay.
So that's it.
I'm hoping my brain will stop working long enough for me to sleep for a bit more before getting up. It looks grey and yucky outside which is horrible because JP and AB and I have a day of outside activities planned. Boo for rain.Boo for grey weather. RM full on made fun of me last night because we went to grab a drink (turns out I can get pretty silly on one drink...I'm shamed by my complete lack of tolerance) and I was in my winter coat and fully shivering for the 1.5 second walk to the bar. I have NO tolerance for cold. I hate it. Even now...shivering. Typing and shivering - hard work. Brrrr.
Ok, I'm going to watch an episode of Drawn Together (and thank you KM for the DVD' are the BEST).
We need a time machine to go back and use what we know now to make high school a less traumatizing time.
It would STILL be hellish probably, but at least we'd know that all the snobby girls in their popular eighties fashions will not look cool in photographs in twenty years. :)
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