Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Official Nervous Breakdown

Ok....I'm officially having some kind of nervous breakdown. Because I am sitting here in my pajamas SOBBING through the episode of Dawson's Creek when Joey tells Dawson she wants him to stay.
OH MY GOD! I never even watched this show when it was on.
I'm clearly WAY too sensitive for my own good. Someone, take away my TV remote. I clearly can't handle the responsibility.
No..the sappy slow instrumental and the long heartfelt speech. I can't take it....tears...runny nose. This is HORRIBLE.
Five more minutes. Thank goodness there is only 5 more minutes.
I can't take it.
Don't laugh at me. No one reading this may even snicker and how girlie I am at this particular moment.
This is exactly why I don't watch sappy movies with anyone...no one needs to see me breakdown in the middle of a movie theater. And I would do it. I so would.
Why is it people on TV always look so good when they cry? I get teary at a TV show and my face turned bright red, my eyes are puffy, my nose looks like Rudolph! ARGH!
Ok...done. I'm off to shower.


At 7:41 AM, Blogger /hg said...

There's a wonderful movie for you to watch in this kind of mood -- Truly Madly Deeply (starring the always charming Juliet Stevenson and Alan Rickman).

[whispers] OK, everyone, stand back. Pending emotional explosion from Mt. Tali...

At 8:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think dawson's creek made me cry sometimes when i used to watch it... though i knew it was a pretty crap ass show

you should have SEEN me during the last episode of 6 feet under.... a blubbering mess.

i think it's normal sometimes... and a good tension release. jeez, i could go for a good cry right here at work today. woe is me.
from yer friend, Trampoline

At 12:52 PM, Blogger Mikhail said...

...no snickers from this way...I STILL cry when I watch Dumbo...yeah, I'm a sap...

At 5:33 PM, Blogger ** said...

the other day, i found myself crying during Field of dreams. maybe it was good i was holed up in my room all by myself.



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