Friday, October 07, 2005


I had a fuuun day today. I rolled out of bed, hung in my pajamas until noon then headed out to see the girls. I had yummy sushi and salad with CM and then we met JB and horrified Starbucks customers by talking about all sorts of dirty things I'm much to polite to mention here. Because I'm a lady. Sometimes. :)
I went to a new store on Monkland called Vive La Difference which is all interesting products boughts around the world and sold to benefit a charity that helps poveryty around the world (more details). I bought a couple of cool bangles form india (all sparkly) for $3 and love them..although one started to chip right away. leave it to me to pick the problematic one. I'm sure if I had brought it back theywould have exchanged it, but for 3$ I'm just as happy to go buy another one. I like the idea of money going to charity. The 3$ won' break me and it is a good cause. They are all sparkly and fun. Little mirrors and fake jems. I love 'em.

Out of dinner with the girls tonight .Three Amigos. My FAVE mexican place. And then off to a movie. It's like a date.
I love being back home.


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