Pretty please
I woke up today to sunlight bursting through my window. The loveliest thing I've ever seen. We've been starved for sun here. There isn't enough ot if and the skies actually look clear. CLEAR!
I'm the happiest girl ever.
The sunlight is bouncing off the discoball PK got for me and it creates pinpoints of light everywhere in my room. I love it.
It makes me feel so good.
It is supposed to be so nice out this afternoon. A walk is definitely called for. I need to make the post of this weather before winter hits and I have no desire to leave the apartment for months on end.
This time change is totally messing me up. I have no idea what time it is. I actually work up at 7:30 am this morning (my usual 8:30) but adamently refused to get up so I went back to sleep. It was delightful. An actual sleep in. I have to admit that I sleep in better when there is someone else there. I don't know what it is. Maybe having someone there relaxes me. Maybe I'm just happy to lounge around and hang out. I have no idea. But when I'm alone, once I'm up, I'm up. I just wake up and immediately jump out of bed and log onto the computer. Maybe that is it...I immediately log on to find people to talk to.
I need to clean my apartment. I HATE cleaning. It makes me miserable. Always has. I thought once I had my own place I would become a sticker for neatness but not at all. Don't care. Don't get me wrong..I'm not DIRTY. I'm just..cluttered. Will someone come over and clean my place for me please? Pretty please?
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