Thursday, October 07, 2004

Almost there!

It is Thursday - almost the weekend. WOOHOO!
FOr some reason, I woke up feeling so tired today. I wouldn't pull myself out of bed. Eventually I had to - but it was no easy task.
I went to see Friday Night Lights this weekend. It was not impressive. I didn't love the story and I didnt' love the movie. But I did love the excitement of the actual game scenes. This is what I realized when watching it - if we knew the stories about the players in football we, being women who aren't always so into sports but can appreciate the excitement, would probably be more into the whole thing. It's like wrestling - create the background in the characters, a story, and people will watch. I mean sports (ok, some sports) are exciting to watch! We need more draw.
That is my official assessment of the way things should be.

Other than that, I have nothing interesting to tell anyone. I'm at work. Meeting with the PR agency today. I have to figure out what I want to talk to them about. Oh the excitement.

Now I am off to work. I am boring today.


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