So freakin' tired
I'm so tire.d I don't know why.
I'm exhausted and today is the longest day ever.
I'm aching to go home and just crawl into bed and pass out. However, it isn't even 3 yet.
Why? Why why why?
I think I am realizing I am a bad communicator. I'm discovering that the more uncomfortable I am, the more i talk. I mean babble...endlessly. Like i need to fill up that space. Not a good sign for a PR gal.
I'm happy to know that everyone here seems to feel like it is a long day also.
It is so long and boring I don't even have anything to say here. I'm drinking iced tea to try and keep me awake.
It isn't working.
I'm having a boring day too, Tali! Booooorrrring...
PS I like your blog
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