Saturday, February 05, 2005

Sunshine Satisfaction

It is interesting how everything dulls overtime.
Not to say you don't still feel bad. But things just tend to disipate.
It is Saturday and I woke up to sunshine and apparently some lovely weather (I haven't been outside).
Sunshine makes me feel happy and light.
I don't know if thta is just for now or if it will be ongoing.
I feel the slightest bit off balance....sad one minute and quietly satisfied the next. Like I can't get a hold of where my head is these days or what I want/need to be happy.
I want to crawl back into bed and sleep for another day or two. But my eys just won't stay shut. I close 'em and they snap back open. I gues it is a sign. I mean, I did sleep for 11 hours, which is pretty exceptional for me.
I wish i had an interesting story to tell, but I don't.
Someone out there..please tell me something interesting.
I'm going to go watch Pee-Wee's Playhouse Season 1.
Don't say it. I'm a nerd. IT MAKES ME HAPPY DAMMIT!
(ok, I'm a little Peewee defensive).
Today is going to be such a nice day, I'm totally looking forward to some walking around (the Beguiling and the Silver Snail) and then seeing a cheeeeesy horror movie (The Boogeyman)
It will be delightful.
The sun is making me feel good. I'm like a wilting sun...Tali droops.
Ok, off to get my stuff done and have a laugh.


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