Wednesday, February 23, 2005

So long since I left a note...

Well hello out there.
I know it has been forever since i made a blog appearance. I was away visiting Vancouver and Montreal and they were both lovely trips. Both for work but fun nonetheless. I had a blast with Matt in Vancouver. I don't remember the last tie I went on a business trip and spent so much time laughing. Matt is a great sport about doing interviews and having a great time. A great person to travel with. Then Montreal and I got to see the fam and hang out with people I know and love. My fave part being going out for indian and watching Lucas dip his nose in the sauce and try and convince me to lick it off. I say yuck. But his serious expression when he was doing this cracked me up.
And then, in the midst of all this...I met a guy. You heard me. I met a guy. And I know he has been ACHING to be included in my blog. So Mr.TRC (and I know you are reading this) there you go. He is delightful and I truly enjoy spending time with him. Of course, I can't go into too much detail about it because he reads this little blog of mine and i don't want him to know all my secrets right off the bat. I feel like he needs to discover them all on his own. Both the good and the bad. And I really don't want him to know that I actually like him. Shhh
But I will say this. He is a good time in the bedroom..if you know what I mean. Despite the fact that he has to leave at 5:30 am for work. Boo. Fortunately this weekend...he is hanging out on Friday night so Saturday morning we can sleep in late and not worry about being functional at all until we want to. Hooray. Oh...he is also the king of the webcam. Love it. I mean..not dirty webcam stuff (you are all filthy pigs..I know that is what you were all thinking). Just the friendly smile and say hello stuff.
I'm itching for a weekend. Lots of lounging.
And I have good lounging company. So who can complain?

Of course, now I will have to start a whole seperate blog so I can talk about all the stuff I don't want him to read about :)

Other then that, nothing is new and exciting. Sushi tonight for dinner. YAY.

What has everyone been up to?

I'm all giddy today. I gues that is what some morning action does for you.


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