Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Balls and Latex

So much adventure to speak of and so little time to write it all up in. Last night I had a great time with the team at a baseball game. Even went down on the field. Turns out baseball players are HOT in person. HOT! Here are some pics from the wild evening out:

Matt and I on the actual field. How cool is that? Best view I've ever had of the field. From now on I'm sitting in the dugout with the players. YUM!

Stu grabbed my boob...that perv. I'm offended. Or I liked it. I remain non-commital.

Then this morning, I woke up at the crack of dawn because I had to go to the DENTIST! (screams of horror). I haven't been to the dentist in about 6 years. So I knew it was time. It really wasn't all that horrific. Of course there was the token talking while there are latexed hands in my mouth and the awful scraping and an X-ray that caused me to laugh (being that it was from the nose see a bunch of teeth and then a floating nose ring where my nose would be...and you see the nose ring perfectly). But the WORST was this new tool they have. It is a lazer that beeps when you have a cavity and the worse the cavity..the higher pitched the laser. It was so ridiculous I had to try not to laugh while it was in my mouth. It is a lesson in humiliation I tell ya...when that high pitched whine goes off screaming "you don't brush enough, you don't floss enough you are BAD!BAD! BAD! WHEEEEEE" I felt like I was in a movie. It cracked me up.
Now I have to go back for the rest of the cleaning on Friday and then some invisible sealants for the semi-cavities I have. I feel so dirty.


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