Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Stable? Not so much

I feel like I have a hamster living in my head. Why, one may ask, would i think something so obscure? Because the wheels are constantly turning up there (oh, I am so freakin' witty! Bet you didn't see that one coming).
I think if i wrote a blog entry everytime I felt the mood to, you would only then truly appreciate the insanity that is my life and the emotional roller coaster I am permanently on. I'm up...I'm down..I'm up...I'm down.....I'm happy...I'm sad...I'm happy...I'm sad....I'm fine with everything....I'm completely distraught....it is making me insane. Of course, that is assuming I'm not already certifiable.
I'm not gonna lie, something about what is going on of late is getting to me. Of course, I'm also PMS-y so before i make any judgement calls, I'm trying to figure out if that is all it is, although in the secret dark hidden places of my mind I know it isn't that simple. Everything in life makes us re-evaluate our direction. I know that and i don't think this is any different. But I am absolutely taking a look at my environment and who I am and what is going on with me.
I wish I knew whatto write in this blog. I wish I had a better idea of what words to put down on "paper" (or computer screen). But I hate to seem whiney or obsessed (anymore than I seem already) or flighty or flakey or just plain boring. But then maybe what I'm going through is just so average that everyone out there can sympathize and is going through the same thing. That being said, if everyone is going through similar things..then how to fix it and make things easier for people to deal with?
Wow, I have talked myself in a total circle.DOes anything I say make sense to anyone?
Ok. I'm ending this blog entry right now before I say anything stupid. One last thought though, why is it people in this world are so afraid to take risks? Any kind of risk? Why is is all about stability?


At 9:35 AM, Blogger /hg said...

Funny... I was in a similar kind of position last year.

So I quit my job to pursue my dream full-time, avoided people I didn't want in my life, started going to the gym, taught myself guitar...

You see where I'm going with this?

You sound like you need change (not the nickel and dime shit, either). And the only person who can do that is you, baby.


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