Friday, July 22, 2005

Tributes Part 2

Happy friday and welcome to the roller coaster that is my emotional state. I'm all over the board. I'm a closet self-doubter!
But we aren't here to talk about me. Because this is the week of tributes. So today..two tributes.

#1 - Paul K. - my dearest, darlingest horror movie buddy who I adore. Paul and I also met online...but on Lavalife and back when I was living in Montreal. After much time of chatting and sneidng pictures back and forth..Paul and I met and became fast friends. I can easily say Paul has made me laugh more than anyone I know. We discovered a dictionary online from a UK magazine (was it Viz Paul?) and I would send Paul a letter a day and call him to read it on the phone with him because his laughter was so infectious it would brighten up my entire day and the more he laughed, the more I laughed. Paul has the world's best laugh. Paul has been such an amazing friend since the day I met him. He is once of two people (excluding family) who have made the effort to see me here in TO and I can't tell you how much it means to me. He is always there to offer me insight on what is going on and never afraid to be honest with me, even if he knows i don't want to hear it. He is hilarious and fun and enthusiastic and open and creative and an overall amazing person. I am not doing him justice here. I just don't know how to put into words how fantastic a friend Paul is and how much better he makes my life. He is proof positive that you can meet incredible people online. Wait...I take that back..he is proof that there are incredible people out there. Period. And then he started dating the lovely Jen. And she is delightful too. Yay.

#2 - Steph - She will hate this. Because Steph hates being gushed over. But it is my blog so I can do what I want. HAH! I won't tell a lie, when Steph and I met...she didn't think I was very nice. In fact, I believe the word bitch has been used in reference to our first meetings. Let me just say for the record, she was just jealous because all the boys loved me more (I'm KIDDING). But, once we got to know eachother, it was love I tell ya. And Steph has been like a sister ever since. There are very few people in life who you can look at and say they are truly like family, but that is what Steph is to me. She and her family immdiately let "that girl" be an honorary member of the clan (Auntie Tali..that's me). Steph and her husband Richard have let me spend many an evening/night over at their place hanging out and just enjoying the company (and kicking my ass at any racing game Richard can throw into any gaming system they have just to watch me lose it). From burgers and cookies to hours on the phone to bad movies to coming to visit me at my mom's to coming to see me in Toronto - Steph is an amazing friend and has been there for me every step of the way. And she is an amazing person. She is funny and bright and witty and supportive and comforting and non-judgemental and brave and strong...all the things I need in a friend. And on top of that she has an amazing husband (who just loves the speaker phone) and the great baby ever (hmm..who also loves the speaker phone. Where does he get that from I wonder?). So, all I have to say is yay for Steph. She is the best and i love her to bits.So I choose to turture her by posting this online! ;)

See how lucky I am.

Now on a completely un-tribute topic. I founda website that tells you what your wizard name is and it turns out I am Bathilda Figg. What's yours?

So last night I went to see March of the Penguins. A great documentary about Empire penguins and the lengths they go to to find love and make new little penguins. Narrated by Morgan Freeman it is moving and beautiful and sad and happy and makes you all warm and fuzzy and then shiver in your seat. It is a great documentary which I recommend for anyone who needs to sit back and just watch. Nature voyeurism. Here, check out the trailer: I'm done.
Big plans for the weekend?


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