It's been an interesting few days. Ro and I started speaking again and today he asked me about JZ. Basically asking if I can I put this politely.."spent the night" with him. He said that he would sooner know the truth then have me keep things from him because i worry they wil upset him. Difficult position for me. My answer will upset him, but I put honesty over anything else. And when he asked me point blank if I had, I couldn't say no. I couldn't lie like that.
So I said yes.
My phone rang. He went into a rant. Basically telling me how I like to "fuck" (sorry mom) and saying he would never had done that to me (note, at the time I met Jack, Ro and I were not speaking and things were - as far as he concerned over. I was sure he and I would speak again at some point but i had no idea when). He basically told me I would have bad karma and that one day I would fall in love that someone will do that to me. rant rant rant rant rant. Basically - I'll paraphrase - I'm a horrible person who did something terrible to him and I deserve what I get.
Hurtful? Yes.
But so be it. How can I convince someone I'm not an asshole who has spent SO much time trying to belive I am? I can't.
So I went out.
And came back to the following email from his roomate:
"You are nothing but a cheap slut. You had a good man and you hurt him. I hope you rot in hell. M."
How upsetting. Two sides to every story, but mine is clearly irrelevant.
And just when I stsrted to calm down from that email. I received this one:
"I would also add he believed in you. None of us did. He fought with us. We told him you would do this. You make me ashamed to be a woman. I will be beside him. I will show him love trust honour. M"
How do you react to these emails? This Maria knows NOTHING about me. Not a thing. She doesn't know how hurt I was when Ro bailed on everythign and walked away. She doesn't know anything about what has happened or how I felt or how Ro acted with me. Nothing. She just judged.
I didn't respond to the emails. I didn't send them to Ro. Nothing. I didn't do a thing.
So this is my one act.
I'm venting. I needed to get it out of my system.
The end.
Why would anyone do that? Why do people feel the need to treat eachother like that?
I'm done this time.
Really. I am.
I'm sorry Tali, I understand that Ro is hurt but I am very strongly on your side here. Maybe I am lucky that any man I have had any sort of long distance relationship with has understood my lebido, and more importantly, my head.
Oh, I am so with everyone on this!!! This Ro character is a complete whack job, who doesn't deserve you. Look at this move as a fresh start. Remember the purging of toxic people, well I believe he should be the first dump. Take a big ole Ro laxitive and just SHIT HIM OUT. Love ya!
I agree with everybody here - not only does she not know you, and only has one side of the story, and is an obvious whackjob, but there's one other thing: she's obviously looking at this as a chance to be the one who picks up the pieces (regardless of the fact that he's the one who did the smashing).
The only thing I'd add is that this guy is such a complete nutcase that I wouldn't be suprised if he wrote the e-mails as well, and made up better than half the shit he ever said.
[mockery: format=blatant]
Maria, you make me ashamed of my Scottish heritage, and we will all be beside Tali to show her love, friendship, honour and how not to be a fucking lunatic.
Wow Tali, when us siblings go down, we go down together!
You know what I think.
The word 'delusional' springs to mind.
I'm sorry that this happened to you.
Mr Beechwell. I too question how much was ever real.
Tali. You deserve better. Don't you dare allow yourself to fall into even another conversation with this guy.
Tali, you've got to weed the assholes out of the garden of your life, and Ro should be top of your list. You've got at least seven people here who are right behind you - they can't all be wrong.
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