Friday, October 08, 2004

DingleB Friday!

Ok, I need to start to day off with a message for someone special out there - and you know who you are - and that message is simply this. The dingleberry - SUCKS! What is more annoying than "the dingleberry"? I thank you JA for finding the appropriate term for that situation, clinger was clearly not doing the job. Dingleberry it is. Annoying.

Ok, enough of that.
SO last night I went out with Duane - who I love. He rocks. We went to see the Low Millions (Adam Cohen's, son of Leonard Cohen, band). They were ok. There were a couple of songs that had me bouncing a bit and then there were more songs that did not. But it had potential. Nice to see a Montrealer do some good.
After that I stopped by to say to my friend Matt - the great man of confusion and mixed messages. That was it. I went home and had a nice long conversation with Steph and then an even longer one with Ms.Jen W. who I miss lots and can't wait to see in November!

Now it is Friday...yay! And tonight is sushi on Bloor with Mitch. I'm so excited. Great food and awesome company!

Who couldn't love that?

Anyone wanna come to Toronto for the weekend? :)


At 10:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just because:



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