Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Blah blah! Blah blah blah blah.

I'm blah. Again or still. I'm not sure which. I know it is because I'm sleepy. So so sleepy. I didn't sleep well last night. Fitfully at best. And now I'm completely exhausted. And I don't do well when I'm tired. I get cranky and irritable and hungry and I just want to go home. SO now, I just want to go home. Days like this i wish I had a car. Because i would like to get into my space and put on my music and go.
I finished my book. It was despressing. Ok, I have about 8 pages left but i don't see how it can pick up. And since I am incluiding spoilers, I won't tell you what the book is. I'll just tell you a girl finally sleeps with her boyfriend - she was previously "pure" and then he leaves her. Doesn't call or anything. Just stops speaking to her. WTF? Why do men do that? Why why why? That is why I often think I will be single forever. I don't even want to teeter on the edge of dealing with that.
Blah. Maybe i should write only with the world Blah now. Blah blah, blah. Blah blah blah blah blah. Blah!
Why am I so unmotivated? WHY?
I think I need to get some action. Or some TLC.


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