Sunday, August 07, 2005

The morning after i was run over by a truck

wow. I feel like I have been full on hit by a train.
I have over-emotional writer's remorse as one often does when overcome by emotion at 2 in the morning and posts it for the world to see.
I need to have a time lock on this blog so that I can't post after a certain time.
It is 9:55 and I am heading to brunch with the awesome Mitch who I adore but 5 hours sleep is KILLING me. I'm coming home tonight and crashing like I've never crashed before.
And, of course, as it always goes...I feel totally fine this morning and completely sane once again.

So, I discovered the BEST DVD's yesterday..the freakin is the collection of After School Specials on DVD. I bought '84-'86. How awesome is that??? I loved those After School Specials back in the day. Of course, I bought the one DVD for $20 then looked online and realized you can get the whole set for $60. So the question I now buy the whole set and just have that one double...or keep buying them one at a time? I have no idea. I'll probably go with the whole set. Boo. I have to admit I'm in love with my Amazon and Chapters wishlists (they are the same). If you don't have a wishlist go and start one immediately. Or go check mine out...just go to or and look up my wishlist...check out how awesome the selection is and then start one of your own immediately. And if you really love me, some kind soul will choose EVERYTHING on there and have it all sent to me (I'm kidding...kind of).

Ok...time to shower and face this beautiful sunny day. Yay. No more lollygagging around (I can't believe I managed to get that into the blog). Here is a new challenge for anyone who reads this and is up for the challenge. Throw me a word..any word..and I will somehow fit it into the blog. I love games. LOVE 'EM!

Woohoo..Michael Jackson from the 80' it! I'm dancin' in my bed.

Thanks for the comment are the best :)


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