Wednesday, August 03, 2005


So I'm playing on lavalife today..not because I'm looking but just because I find it entertaining. I warn all the men that I'm not into dating anyone right now. That I'm just killing time. So this guy starts messaging me and is all here is my me yours. So I do. And he writes back "tbnt, ciao". Me, being an idiot, replies with.."what does tbnt". The answer - which I get from someone else - is "thanks but no thanks". ARGH! Now, here is my response to that: a) I is the intimate encounters section (I said I was curious..I need to check all the sections out then)so if you don't like the picture..just don't respond. I mean..COME ON. b) Who, other then me, asks someone to spell out their rejection. And what kind of idiot writes a rejection like that forcing someone to ask what it means?
Boo for my ego. That is all I have to say. So now my ego is hurt by a loser nerdy mcgeek from Lavalife. I can't take it anymore. I'm really really through with men.Forever.
And ever.
I was listening to a Sarac McL. song today and the words struck me (I know I know, I'm a cheezball): So afraid to love you, more afraid to lose. Clinging to a past that doesn't let me choose.
I though those were interesting words and had a moment of self-admiration when I realized I live in a world surrounded by people who choose to lose rather then let go and fall. Depite how shite it sometimes feels (see: every blog entry since I moved to Toronto - just kidding) I'm much happier being the one who is more afraid to lose..and who's personality and nature, not necessarily whose past, allows me to take a risk over and over again. I'm an emotional daredevil. Which is funny..because ask me to risk getting physically hurt and I will ALWAYS avoid it and err towards OCD about my safety...but with my emotions..I'm all about the risk taking baby. I'm a REBEL. Of course, not that that matters because I have given up men forever.
Having a great time with the family. They have been an amazing distraction. I'll miss them terribly when they go.Boo-urns.


At 8:14 PM, Blogger Vincent Priceless said...

Tali, if you won't allow me to call it quits with women because of the last person I met, you're not allowed to call it quits with men because of some f***wit on Lavalife. I know you, I've seen you, and this guy's obviously demented, blind, or an idiot. You have fans, my friend, and real-life ones who don't rely on Lava. (and I know you don't, either - you actually meet and charm people in the REAL world). You know MY opinion...and as you know, my opinion's always the right one. :)


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