Thursday, August 04, 2005

Nothing interesting....

Nothing interesting to report. I went to the McMichael today (a museum that features a lot of the Group of Seven works). It was a pretty interesting place. A house converted into a gallery. I do really enjoy the works of the Group of Seven. Of course, not every pieve...but the colors are pretty bold in some of them. I really like 'em. I'm definitely drawn to blues. Deep blues. I feel like I can get lost in them...jump in and swim in them.
Wow..I do get weirder every day.

The family visit has been so nice. I'm really enjoying spending time with them. THEY MUST NEVER LEAVE ME.

Ok, I'm not quite that insane. Close, but not quite.

I can't stop logging into Lavalife. I'm addicted. I have no desire to actually meet anyone, but I can't stop checking out who is there. I don't know why I'm so curious. One would think I need some kind of weird online affirmation from the men there. I don't...but I do..all at the same time. Does that make any sense? The attention makes me feel good. I don't need it. But I like it. I can stop anytime, I swear (my name is Tali and I am an attention-a-holic).

We are watching Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure right now. The kids have never seen it (my sister and brother). Oh Keanu..when you were young and cute and playing the character which I believe is most like the "real" Keanu.

I;m tired and boring today. So I'm ending this blog entry for now. I'll be back....


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