Wednesday, September 28, 2005

All over the place

I just got home. I've had a million thoughts. So, I've decided to list them all instead of putting together concise paragraphs with fascinating segue's!
Here we go:

1) Metric concert was great. They put on a realy good show. BUT I have discovered I'm getting old, because after standing for about 4 hours, my back hurt, my feet hurt, and my neck hurt from staring up at the stage. How humiliating. I'm old. Old Old Old old. I was talking to AB about concerts and how, after seeing so many, I really recignize a good show versus a "why didn't i just stay home and listen to the CD" concert. A good concert is such an amazing experience. Makes you fall in love with the band and not just their music. A bad concert, such a turn off. AB, by the way, fell in love with the lead singer.

2) I have a huge ridiculous crush on someone who lives far far away and I spend way too much time talking to him on MSN. But too much time is still not enough. I could talk to him all day.

3) I did something I have never done before. Something that required more boldness than I thought I had in me. And it was worth it. It made me feel irresistably attractive. I love it.

4) I am dying for my ridiculous crush to come and visit me because I am so excited to see if the chemistry exists in the real world. I think it will. I don't know how it couldn't. It would make me sad if it didn't. But what if it did? What is all that intensity exists in the real world too? Then what would we do?

5) Definitions of love. It is a question that has come up a lot in the past few days. Something I've talked to different people about. Love for family. Love for friends. Here's the question...what do you need to love someone? Can you love someone you've never been in the same room as? Can you love someone physically and not emotionally?

6) I am craving physical contact.

7) Some advice: guys with Blackberry's: DO NOT WEAR THEM ON YOUR BELT. It is dorky. Unless you are at work and are obligated to do so, it is not cool. Not cool to check your email when you are out. NOT COOL. Not cool to be checking something on it AT A CONCERT. Same ules apply to cell phones. Belt clips - not hot.

There are a million other things, I'm sure. But I'm so sleepy. I don't even have one concise though. My mind is spinning. I wish I had some chip in my head so I could think a blog entry and not have to be in front of a computer. I would have some brilliant stuff then.

I'm sleepy. I'm going to bed. I'm going to dream of a stranger because right now he is in my head. I don't know how it happened. But he's there. And I like it. I like him. This is crazy. Lovely crazy. Exciting crazy. Fantastic crazy. Romantically crazy. It is hard for me to talk about .I know some people think this is ridiculous and I don't want to hear their input. I don't want the negative feedback. I know the risks. They seem worth it. I'm sorry AB, I know you don't approve.

I need to stop talking. I'm not making sense. I'm feeling giddy. And silly.

I blame Ro. He's done this to me. Left me feeling all happy. Who does he think he is to make me feel happy when I'm trying so hard to be miserable? :)


At 7:15 PM, Blogger Vincent Priceless said...

I will never disapprove of you. I only worry. And I'm a bit protective. Just a bit. ;)

At 3:56 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

AB hates me.

i hate him.

life is in balance :-)

At 8:36 AM, Blogger kjh1972 said...

I admit the CrackBerry looks dorky, but aside from my belt I can't think of anywhere else to put it because its so damn big. That said, I want to contact RIM to tell them that not realizing that most of us sales guys have guts and the thing digs in way too much is a serious design flaw.


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