Sunday, September 25, 2005

Oh so much running around in this little head of mine. Good...bad..happy....frustrated. I'm all over the place. I think that is the effect Sunday has on me because tomorrow morning everyone goes off to work and I continue to apply desperately for jobs. Booo. That is not a fun job.
If I had NO debt, I would pack up and travel. Just go and see what happens. Unfortunately, I feel like I need to be in the clear before I do that. When O get a new job, my goal is to get out of thise hole as fast as possible so I can do the things in life I really want to do. I want to get rid of a bunch of stuff. Pack up and store everything that means anything to me and see the world. I would love that. Central America, South America, the parts of Europe I haven't seen..the whole world. I want to see it. I want to watch shows and say - "I've been there!".
Somedays I wish I was a millionaire. Not because I want to be rich, but because I want to not worry about paying rent and buying food. I want to not think about those thigns so I can think about and worry about other things.
Not that I am complaining. I know that on the scale of bad, I have it almost perfect. I have nothing to complain about in life. I just wish I had an easy out. Any billionaires out there want to temporarily adopt me? I would be oh so grateful! Come on Bill Gates, you have money to burn! Spend it on me me me me me me me me!
MONEY. I hate money. I freakin' hate it. I hate that we need it. I hate that I can't just quit my job and do other things. I hate it. It makes me so frustrated. Of course, I'm a terrible budgeter. I admit that. I'm the worst. I need someone to straighten me out.

I have a million thought in my head and none of them down in this blog. I'm not ready to say a lot of them outloud or just can't because they sound equally crazy to me.
I'm not unhappy though. I actually feel good. Really good. Mellow even.Relaxed.

Although I have to admit, tonight is a night I'd want someone here to share it with. I'd like to curl up with someone on the couch and put in a movie...and only half watch it because we lay around talking and giggling and kissing through the good parts. I miss those nights. And then I would like to go to bed knowing that that person would be there, without question, the next morning. And the next day. And the day after that.
It has been a long time since I had that. Since I was with someone who made me feel safe.
I could use that tonight. A warm touch.

Have you ever gone to sleep and curled around your pillow and imagined it was someone. I cuddle with my pillow every night. I always fall asleep that way. Some nights it is just a pillow, and some nights I can close my eyes and imagine it is someone. As for who I imagine it to be, well that, my friends, is my little secret. But he is someone I'm quite sure would make sure I would go to sleep every night feeling safe.

Swirling thoughts swirling thoughts :)

I'm off to pop in a movie and go to bed....

Admit many of you made out with your pillow when you were younger pretending it was a boy (or a girl). You know you practiced!!

Do yo ueven remember your first kiss? I do. I was 15. He drooled when he kissed. It was like a bath. It was grooossss. But I was so thrilled to be kissing..WITH TONGUE....that I didn't care. I was kissing a boy. WOOHOO! Then he liked me a little too much and I wasn't ready for that. So I broke up with him. Hee hee. But it started me of fon a bad path of kissing. Now I love it. I can't lie. I'm all about the make out.

Ok, before I say anything else, I'm ending this. Really, I mean it.

Sleep well and sweet dreams.


At 7:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know, i have kissed 88 people. Your Friend, Trampoline

At 8:33 PM, Blogger TF said...

Dear matter how many men you kiss, you know I love you baby. There is no other woman I would rather give my sloppy seconds to.
Love always,

At 9:03 PM, Blogger /hg said...

Heh -- I was barely 14 when I got my first "proper" kiss. From an older dude, no less (the ripe old age of 17).

I was just like, "What the fuck?!!" Not necessary bad technique... but sort of like kissing someone who was gay. Zero fireworks.

(You're thinking of me when you make out with your pillow, aren't you? So dirty. And quit sticking your tongue in my ear. It's kinda gross.)

At 9:09 PM, Blogger TF said... know that I was fired for flirting with you and you alone.
Didn't I tell you that my pillow case it a picture of you? Why do you think I take all those pictures of you and I?

At 10:21 PM, Blogger /hg said...

That's OK -- I copy those photos onto my underwear.

It's why I smile a lot.

At 1:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want my first kiss to be with jp
(tee hee)

At 6:27 PM, Blogger Rye said...

You all know how I like to get down -Michael Vick

See, quoting NFL QB's makes me a MAN!


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