Friday, September 02, 2005

Flatten me like a pancake, slip me under the couch, and forget about me.

One week of being in Vancouver and I feel no closer to figuring out what is going on in my life. In fact, I only further complicate it.
I go for walks around here and while I'm walking I come up with brilliant entries for this blog, but the minute I sit down at this computer they are inevitably gone. They's disappeared.Like my brain is completely emptied out.
I'm having trouble sleeping. I work up with the taste of blood in my mouth because I burned the inside of my mouth yesterday. I'm tense when I wake up. I can feel it in my neck and in my jaw. Everything is clenched. I toss and turn all night. I have no concept of time here.
I feel upside down right now. I don't know what to think and what to feel. I'm stuck between love and hate, happiness and misery, and I'm deeply entrenched in my own insecurity right now. It is funny, I can take a lot of shit, but having those insecurities triggered is not where I want to be right now. I wonder if the reality livd up to the fantasy. Or was it all just disappointing.
Karma. I wonder about karma a lot.

Ro and HG and guys are cracking me up! Thank goodness for you guys.


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