Thursday, September 30, 2004


A few days ago I wrote an entry about people calling me out of the blue and wanting favors. Allow me to clarify - I meant I hate it when people I haven't heard from because things ended on bad terms called me and asked for favors. If I like you, then it doens't matter how long we go without me anytime. If things ended on bad terms, don't pretend nothing happened and we are friends. I hate that. It is SO fake.
Ok, I need to go catch up on my desk calendar. It is stuck on June 26th, where I left it when I left Ubi. I need to catch up and incorporate it into my new desk set-up.

Today, as a nice little surprise, I got roses from a certain young man in Montreal. Thank you Gadi! It was such a sweet thought and it is MUCH appreciated!

Ok, off to read.
Have fun!

"It does no harm to the ego to be worshipped" - acress Mae West

Is it the weekend yet?

Well hello everyone,

I am at work after a morning on a site exciting. Life would be a lot better right now if I didn't feel so sick. A full blown cold. Now that will kill your enthusiasm for life!
Nothing exciting to report today. I just ran into a friend who mocked my blogging. HRMPH! I think he is just jealous because no one would read his (ooh, you know who you are young man!)
I went to see Shark Tale last night. It was pretty cute. Enjoyable for the young 'uns.
Wow, I am boring.
Last night I went home feeling sick, which made me depressed. I've decided I hate disappointing people and i often wonder why we, as people, let others who we know will inevitably disappoint us, stay in our lives. I know I do it. What is it about us that makes us hold onto things that we know are bad?
I don't have an answer. It is just something I wonder about. Is it a selfish thing? A challenge thing?
I wish I knew.
Ok, that is all I have. I'm going to go work and then go home and watch TV until I pass out cold.
Hope everyone is ALLLLLLL good.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Hump Day

Well good morning. I have officially caught me a cold and it TRULY sucks. But I guess it was inevitable. Things were pretty hectic and crazy for a few weeks there (with the moving and the new job and the going out in TO) so it was hard to avoid my bodt not getting a little worn out. And I think my co-worker had a here i am, feeling kinda gross.
Fortunately, it seems pretty tame, so I'm hoping it won't last too long and I will be back to my normal healthy self anytime now.
So last night I went to see Shaun of the Dead. The company was great and the movie was pretty funny. I was VERY amused. It was totally funny and still makes you jump and lots of action. I liked it a lot. Like a funny 28 Days. Of course, I probably should have stayed home and nursed myself back to health. But, how can I say no to a Tuesday night movie (which, p.s. cost 9.25$ here in Toronto! Where is my $5 Guzzo when I need it?).
So, the past couple of days I have heard from a couple of people who are emailing me very simply for a purpose. These are people that are neither my friend nor anyone I would want to talk to. They simply are trying to get something from me. Let me tell you all, I hate that. I hate when people, after an extended silence, try desperately to be your friend because they need something from you. It is just an example of people being crappy. Unfortunately I can't tell these people what I actually think of them because I am stuck maintaining professional relationships. Which sucks but I guess it keeps me from burning bridges. Not impressive.
That is it for me. I'm going to continure working here at my new computer (yay) .
Happy hump day!
(love that!)

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Elana is a Blogger too!

I'm discovering new things all the time. My good friend Elana (who happens to work right near me...yay) also has a little blog action going. Now that I know about hers and she knows bout mine, we will have to quit trashing each other all the time (just kidding Banan!)
Check out...

and click on HappyRobot to read her blog.


Toronto Tuesday

Happy tuesday!

Nothing new and/or exciting to talk about. I'm still trying to get out to Washington for a weekend and it is no easy task. But it does look like i will make it into Montreal for the weekend of October 22.
So last night I went out for disappointing Indian food. I hope it was just he one restaurant that wasn't great and not that all Indian in Toronto is not as good. I mean..where is Star of India when I need it? Any montrealers reading this, know that when I come into town I want me some yummy S.o.I! I ordered butter chicken and I swear it was chicken with tomato sauce. Not what I was looking for.
So I have had a request for some juice..the dirt....and yes.I will feature my innermost feelings here..or at least those that are PG and for all eyes :)
This morning I had a meeting at Sony, it was very interesting. I finally got to meet the Sony of Canada team. It is all pretty cool to start feeling like a part of the office here and know I am going to get involved in bigger things (of course, my first goal is to get a computer set up...then I can start worrying about the other stuff).
It is SO frustrating to not have a system. It is a weird way to start a be at a new company but not really feel like you are at a new company...I feel like a temp. On the flipside, they did give us all presents yesterday (a copy of Scarface and a copy of the Bourne Identity) - who doesn't love presents.
Anyhow, that is all for now. Nothing too exciting huh?
So, who is coming to visit me and when?

Monday, September 27, 2004


Hi everyone.

A friend of mine started these so I thought it would be fun to start one too. I think we should ALL do it. It is all about voyeurism and we all know I love that (the queen of reality TV here). So stay tuned for the latest posts to read all about what goes on in my life. YAY!
I can tell you the latest is that I am desperately trying to get out to visit Jen W. in Washington and can't get a ticket with my points. AAACCCKK!

So frustrating.

Ok, I'm off to keep working. I may actually get a computer this week.
